Pearled Ivory George Barbier inspired Wool Silk Blazer
Fabric: PIACENZA 68% Virgin Wool 32% Silk (Made in Italy)
Lining: 100% Silk Crêpe De Chine
Button: Mother of Pearls
Craftsmanship: Full Canvas, Hand-sewn Milanese Lapelhole & Button Holes
Expertly tailored in an elegant ‘Pearl’ hue, the jacket has a sense of occasion also suitable for business and leisure look. The fabric is woven in Italy that’s spun with virgin wool and silk for a textural handle.
The Silk Crêpe De Chine lining is our signature and this one is printed with vintage Art Deco feminine illustration for a touch of old days’ beauty. Detailed with specially selected Mother of Pearls buttons and handcrafted Milanese Lapelhole.
[Collectible Pieces - Timeless Elegance 🎨 ]
珍珠色的西裝有著無可比擬的魅力,我們的處理是讓簡約純潔之中流露精緻的細節感。選用充滿質感,Virgin Wool和真絲的混紡布料;手袖,衣服上的貝殼鈕亦是精挑細選,讓天然的紋路與色彩,在高貴瀟洒的氣質之上點綴。
內𥚃的pochoir prints 圖案經過精心編排,讓舊時代Art Deco 的插畫重現在真絲布上,一系列充滿女性美的元素,精緻年代的美好,如排版般散落在衣服中的不同角落。